
Release K.12.07 Enhancements
Note that the password port-access values are configured separately from local operator user-
name and passwords that are configured with the password operator command and used for
management access to the switch. For more information about how to use the password
port-access command to configure operator passwords and usernames for 802.1X authentication,
refer to the “Configuring Port-Based and Client-Based Access Control (802.1X)” chapter in the
Access Security Guide.
Release K.12.07 Enhancements
No enhancements, software fixes only.
Release K.12.08 Enhancements
Release K.12.08 includes the following enhancement:
Enhancement (PR_1000413764) — Increase the size of the sysLocation and sysContact
entries from 48 to 255 characters.
Configuring a System Contact and Location for the Switch
Both the system-contact and the system-location fields allow up to 255 characters when configured
through the CLI or the Web browser interface.
CLI Command
Syntax: snmp-server [contact <system-contact>] [location <system-location>]
where < system-contact > and <system-location > are ASCII strings up to 255 characters each.
Web Browser Interface
Using the Web browser interface for the switch, click the Configuration tab, and select System Info to
access the System Location and System Contact fields. In each field, you can enter ASCII strings up to
255 characters each. You can view all the characters by using the cursor to scroll through the field.
Menu Interface
Unlike the CLI command and the Web browser interface, the Menu interface will only allow
configuration of System Contact and System Location strings of up to 48 characters. However, if a
System Contact or System Location string length configured through the CLI command or Web
browser interface exceeds 48 characters, the Menu fields will display “+” followed by the last 47
characters of the string. Use the CLI show running, show config, or show system-information commands
to see the complete text string.