Release K.11.60 through K.11.63 Enhancements
Release K.11.60 through K.11.63 Enhancements
No enhancements, software fixes only.
■ Versions K.11.50 through K.11.59 were never built.
■ Version K.11.60 was never released.
Release K.11.64 Enhancements
Release K.11.64 includes the following enhancement:
■ Loop Protection feature additions, including packet authentication, loop detected trap, and
receiver port configuration.
■ Historical information about MAC addresses that have been moved has been added to the
"show tech" command output.
Release K.11.68 Enhancements
Release K.11.68 includes the following enhancement:
■ Improved SFlow function to accommodate bursty traffic.
Release K.11.69 Enhancements
No new enhancements, software fixes only.
Release K.11.69 is the last release of the K.11.xx software. The 3500yl, 6200yl, and 5400zl switch series
software code was rolled to the K.12.0x code branch with no intervening releases.