
Software Management
Best Practices for Major Software Updates
Best Practices for Major Software Updates
Major software updates contain new features and enhancements, and are designated by an increment
to the major release version number. That is, K.12.xx represents a major update to software version(s)
K.11.xx, and K.13.xx represents a major update to K.12.xx, and so forth. To mitigate against potential
migration issues when performing such an update, this section documents best practices for updating
the switch, including contingency procedures for rolling back to previous software versions and
saved configurations.
Before you update the switch software to a major new version, ProCurve strongly recommends that
you save off a copy of your config file to an external location. ProCurve advises against rolling back
(going from a newer software version to an older software version) without copying on a backup
config file to the device.
Updating the Switch: Overview
To perform a major update to your switch software, follow the steps below (see page 8 for details):
1. Download the image to your TFTP server.
2. Save your current configuration (Config1) to a backup configuration file (Config2).
3. Save your current configuration to an external tftp server.
4. Backup your current running image (Primary) to the secondary image.
5. Set your secondary image to boot with Config2.
6. Download the new image to the switch’s primary image.
7. Verify that your images and configuration are set correctly.
8. Reload the switch.
After following these steps, you should end up with the following results:
Primary image will hold the new software image you want to install (for example, K.13.06)
Secondary image will hold the image you are currently running (for example, K.12.57)
Primary image will boot with config1 (config file corresponding to new software version—in
this example, K.13.06)
Secondary image will boot with config2* (config file corresponding to previous software
version—in this example, K.12.57)
* The current config file must be copied to config2, or you will be unable to revert if the need arises.