
Release K.12.45 Enhancements
Release K.12.45 Enhancements
No enhancements; Never released.
Release K.12.46 Enhancements
No enhancements; Never released.
Release K.12.47 Enhancements
Release K.12.47 includes the following enhancement:
Enhancement Removed (PR_1000468258) The PC attached to IP telephone
enhancement was removed.
Release K.12.48 Enhancements
Release K.12.48 includes the following enhancement:
Enhancement Removed (PR_1000470136) Removal of the enhancement that allows
the mapping of all theoretically available VLAN IDs (1-4094) to an MSTP instance, even if
some of the VLANs are not currently configured on the switch. The initial implementation
of this enhancement did not allow smooth migration of pre-existing MSTP configurations.
(For information on the initial implementation, see “Release K.12.44 Enhancements” on page
65. This enhancement was subsequently improved and re-introduced, see “Release K.12.51
Enhancements” on page 66.).
Release K.12.49 Enhancements
No enhancements; Bug fixes only.
Release K.12.50 Enhancements
No enhancements; Bug fixes only.
Release K.12.51 Enhancements
Release K.12.51 includes the following enhancements: