
152 Chapter 3
File Tree Layouts on the Managed-Node Platforms
File Tree Layout for Silicon Graphics IRIX
mount <cluster_server>:/opt /opt
The ITO Default Operator on SGI IRIX
The ITO default operator opc_op and the group opcgrp are created as
the ITO default operator if they don’t already exist.
Table 3-14 ITO Entry in /etc/passwd on SGI IRIX Managed Nodes
Table 3-15 ITO Entry in /etc/group on SGI IRIX Managed Nodes
System Resources Adapted by ITO on SGI
ITO makes changes in the following system resource files:
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow (if present) - entry for the default
ITO operator
Field Entry
User Name opc_op
Encrypted Password * (no login)
User-ID 777 if still available, or next possible free number
Group-ID 77 if still available, or next possible free number
Description ITO default operator
Home Directory /var/people/opc_op
Login Shell /bin/sh (POSIX shell)
Field Entry
Group Name opcgrp
Encrypted Password empty
Group-ID 77 or higher
Users opc_op
Description ITO default operator group