Chapter 4 175
Software Maintenance on Managed Nodes
De-installing ITO Software from Managed Nodes
Manually De-installing ITO Software from AIX
Managed Nodes
1. Stop all ITO agents running on the managed node.
2. To de-install the ITO agent software from AIX managed nodes, enter:
installp -ug OPC
NOTE Manually de-installing the ITO agent software from AIX managed nodes
is only supported with ITO version A.05.00 and higher.
Manually De-installing ITO Software from
HP-UX Managed Nodes
Manually De-installing ITO Software from
OS/2 Managed Nodes
The installation script opcinst.cmd also de-installs the ITO agent
software from OS/2 managed nodes.
1. On the managed node, change to the directory where opcinst.cmd is
If opcinst.cmd has been removed after the installation, copy the
script from the directory \opt\OV\bin\OpC\install on the
managed node or from the management server to a temporary
location, see “Manual OS/2 Agent Installation” on page 90.
NOTE opcinst.cmd must be executed in a temporary directory; do not run
opcinst.cmd from the directories \opt\OV or \var\opt\OV.
2. To de-install the ITO agent software, enter:
opcinst.cmd /MODE:REMOVE
If you have changed the disk drive where you had previously installed
the ITO agent, enter the new drive when prompted.
Or enter:
opcinst.cmd /MODE:REMOVE /DRIVE:<install_drive>