Appendix D 525
ITO Man Pages Listing
Overview of ITO Man Pages
opcdbsetup(1M) Create the tables in the ITO
opcdbupgr(1M) Upgrade the ITO database from a
previous version to the current
version of ITO.
opcdcode(1M) View ITO encrypted template files.
opcgetmsgids(1m) Get message IDs to an original
message ID.
opchbp(1M) Switch heartbeat polling of managed
nodes on/off.
opchistdwn(1M) Download ITO history messages to a
opchistupl(1M) Upload history messages into ITO
opcmack(1) Acknowledge an ITO message by
specifying the message ID.
opcmgrdist(1M) Distribute ITO configuration between
management servers.
opcmom(4) Overview of ITO MoM functionality.
opcmomchk(1) Syntax checking tool for MoM
opcmon(1) Forward value of monitored object to
the ITO monitoring agent on the local
managed node.
opcmsg(1) Submit a message to ITO.
opcpat(1) Test program for ITO pattern
opcragt(1M) Remotely administer agent services
for ITO on managed node.
opcskm(3) Secret-key management tool.
opcsqlnetconf(1M) Configure the ITO database to use an
SQL*Net connection.
opcsv(1M) Administer ITO manager services.