258 Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
Calculating the Value of a MIB Variable
MIB variables have the following format and can be calculated by
replacing the angle brackets with the desired value:
•<OID> is the Object Identifier entered in the file DMISA.MAP
•<X> specifies the attribute to be monitored; see Table 5-35
Table 5-35 Attribute Values of TME NetFinity MIB Variables
•<ID> is the attribute ID; see Table 5-34, “Attribute IDs of TME
NetFinity MIB Variables,” on page 257
Once you have calculated the value of the MIB variable and written a
program or script to monitor this value, you configure a threshold
monitor template in the Message Source Templates window.
TCP/IP Interface 0 - Bytes
1314140230 Bytes/Sec
Thread Count 2872344982 Threads
UDP Datagrams Sent 1314150977 Packets/Sec
UDP Datagrams Received 1314150978 Packets/Sec
Attribute Name Attribute ID Value
Value Attribute
1 Attribute ID
2 Attribute Name
3 Current Value (integer)
4 Current Value (thousands)
5 Current Value (string)
6 Value Units
7 Recording enabled