
86 Chapter 2
Installing ITO Agents on the Managed Nodes
General Installation Tips for Managed Nodes
NetWare Directory Services (NDS)
If you use NDS to install the ITO agent software, the installation
process creates the file SYS:/OPT/OV/BIN/OPC/INSTALL/NDSINFO
on each managed node. This file contains information about the
position of the managed node in the NDS directory tree so that the
ITO agent .NLMs can log in to NDS when they are started. The ITO
default operator opc_op is also inserted.
If you use bindery mode NDSINFO is not created and the default
context is used.
Changed Configuration Files
Each configuration file on the NetWare server that is changed by the
ITO installation process (like AUTOEXEC.NCF) is stored in the same
directory with the extension .ITO; this is in case you need to restore
the old system.
SNMPLOG.NLM and the ITO Event Interceptor
The ITO event interceptor and Novell’s SNMPLOG.NLM cannot be used
together. If you experience problems with the ITO event interceptor
check that SNMPLOG.NLM is not loaded. If you need SNMPLOG.NLM to
report traps, disable the ITO event interceptor.
Setting /usr/adm/inetd.sec on the Management Server
The ITO agent monitors the connection from the NetWare server to
ITO management server by sending the UDP echo packages. The
UDP echo service must, therefore, be enabled on the ITO
management server. Verify that the echo service is not disabled in the
/usr/adm/inetd.sec file. Note that the echo service is enabled if it
is not listed in the inetd.sec file.
Using the ITO NetWare Integration Package
Before installing the ITO Agent Package all users of the NetWare
Integration package must either delete or rename the maps NetWare
Config, NetWare Tools and NetWare Performance. These maps
can be found in the ITO Application Bank window.
If you use UDP protocol for agent-server communication, set the data
array size to 2048 bytes or less, otherwise the communication fails for
larger messages. To set the size of data array, use
OPC_RPC_ARRAY_SIZE in opcinfo file. The default value for data
array size when using the UDP protocol is 2048 bytes.