276 Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Flexible-management Configuration
nodelist ::= <node> | <nodelist> <node>
node ::= IP <ipaddress> | IP <ipaddress> <string>
| OTHER <string>
string ::= “any alphanumeric string”
ipaddress ::= <digits>.<digits>.<digits>.<digits>
NOTE You can replace the <string> variable with $OPC_ALWAYS to specify
that the time condition is always true.
Syntax for Message Operations:
msgoperations ::= <msgoperations> MSGOPERATION TIMETEMPLATE
<msgoperation> <msgoperations> MSGOPERATION
TIMETEMPLATE <string> <msgoperation>
NOTE The time template is compared with the creation time of the message on
the managed node. Message creation time is always defined in GMT.
Templates for Service Hours and Scheduled Outages
The ITO administrator configures service hours and scheduled outages
on the management server with a template similar to the one used to
configure flexible management. The syntax used to configure service
hours and scheduled outages is the same as that used to configure
flexible management and consequently may be checked with the
opcmomchk tool. For more information on template syntax, see “Syntax
for Time Templates” on page 274 and “Syntax for Service Hours and
Scheduled Outages” on page 274. The template for service hours and
scheduled outages allows you to suppress, log only, or buffer
(inservice) messages that match certain conditions for defined time
The template is located in the following directory:
Before making any changes, copy the file to the working directory;
/etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/work_respmgrs. Once
the template file is ready for use, it should be moved to the directory;
/etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/respmgrs, and a new ITO
session started in order for the new configuration to be read and
implemented. Note that the templates must not be renamed: ITO looks
for specific, template file name. For more information on how to set up
both service hours and scheduled outages, see the section on Flexible
Management Tasks in the HP ITO Administrator’s Guide to Online