408 Chapter 10
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
Troubleshooting: Specific Problems
Problem ITO does not work as expected after an OS upgrade.
Description Updating the operating system might mean that ITO no longer works as
expected. For example, system boot/shutdown files have been modified;
the file system layout or the command paths could have been changed;
the shared libraries have been modified, etc.
Solution Check that the installed OS version is still supported by ITO:
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/agtinstall/opcversion -a
If the installed OS version is not supported by the current version of the
ITO agents, ask your HP representative for assistance and available
Problem ITO configuration is not installed on the managed node. For this reason,
the ITO logfile encapsulator, message interceptor, console interceptor and
event interceptor do not run.
Description A The managed node contains several LAN cards, and therefore several IP
addresses. Possibly there are several host names. The ITO agents use an
IP address not known on the management server for the corresponding
host name.
Solution A Make sure that all the IP addresses of all the managed nodes are known
to the management server. Update the Name Services and/or
/etc/hosts accordingly:
nslookup <managed_node>
Description B As Description A, but the managed node in question belongs to a different
sub-net or domain and is configured to have a short hostname.
Solution B As Solution A, but also configure the managed node hostname as a fully
qualified hostname.