
356 Chapter 9
An Overview of ITO Processes
Understanding ITO Processes
For more information on how the processes communicate with one
another and what each process does, see “Management Server Processes”
on page 356 and “Managed Node Processes” on page 360.
Management Server Processes
The following list gives details of which processes run on the ITO
management server, what each process does, and, where necessary, how
the processes interact:
opc The ITO GUI logon program is used by the ITO
administrator and by ITO operators and calls either
opcuiadm and opcuiopadm or opcuiop according to
the User Name specified.
opcactm The action manager feeds the action agents with
automatic and operator-initiated actions, scheduled
actions, application-startup and broadcasting
information via the control agent. In addition,
external instruction texts are determined using this
ovoareqsdr The request sender informs the control agents to
start, stop, or update their local ITO agents. The
request sender is also responsible for ITO’s self-
monitoring of ITO manager services, and for the
heartbeat-polling of the managed nodes.
opcctlm The control manager starts and stops all other ITO
manager processes, performs all licence checking, and
controls the ITO database maintenance functionality.
opcdispm The display manager serves the ITO Motif-based
GUI. The display manager also feeds the action
manager with operator-initiated actions, application
startup (not requiring a separate terminal) or
broadcasting information issued by the ITO operator.
Several ITO user GUIs may be active at the same time,
but only one Motif-based GUI can be run for each ITO
opcdistm The distribution manager distributes node-specific
configurations to managed nodes in response to
requests by the distribution agent (opcdista). Sub-
processes (opctts) are forked for each parallel