280 Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Flexible-management Configuration
This string instructs the ITO management server to apply the time
frame for service hours defined on the ITO management server (e.g.
08:00 -- 16:00) as a sliding time frame for managed nodes in their
respective local time zone.
NOTE It is important to ensure that the local time is correctly set on the
managed node.
The Command-line Interface. The message manager does not
automatically read the configuration template for outages and service
hours each time the template file is modified, for example by the system
administrator or an external application. The command-line tool
opccfgout(1M) may be used to start the reconfigure request:
opccfgout -update
Additional options allow you to set status variables for the conditions:
opccfgout -set_cond <cond_stat_var>
To list the current status of the status variables, enter:
opccfgout -list_cond <cond_stat_var>|-all
The Message-forwarding Template
ITO allows you to control both the generation of notification messages to
be sent to remote management servers and the switch of control for a
message with one, single template which you configure and assign to the
source management server and check using the tool opcmomchk. ITO
stores the message-forwarding template in:
The configuration and syntax in the template is similar to that required
for the message-escalation template except that:
• You can specify more than one target management server per
• Target management servers to which you forward a message can also
have the attribute MSGCONTROLLINGMGR set in order to be able
to switch control of a message themselves
• Target management servers to which you forward a message can also
notify themselves by setting the attribute NOTIFYMGR