
Chapter 5 213
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
NOTE For a full description of the NT registry refer to the Windows NT
Description of Values Returned:
Refer to the User Configurable Parameters for this application, and to
the Windows NT documentation.
Job Status
This application returns a list of the scheduled jobs entered by the at
function. If the schedule service has not been started, the message “The
service has not been started” will be returned. If nothing is
scheduled on the target node, the message “There are no entries in
the list” is displayed. Otherwise a list of commands is displayed along
with the times at which they are scheduled to run.
Default: at.exe
User Configurable Parameters:
For a full description of creating and removing scheduled jobs, refer to
the Windows NT documentation.
LM Sessions
This application lists sessions between the selected Windows NT node
and other computers on the network. If the selected system is acting as a
logon server, it will show sessions of the users for which it has validated
logons. If no user name is shown by the entry, it indicates that a service
has created this session connection.
Default: net.exe sessions
User Configurable Parameters:
For a full description of net.exe, refer to the Windows NT
Description of Values Returned:
Computer The name of the system that has made the connection.
User name Name of the user. If this field is blank it means that the
NT system has a connection, which is typical when a
service has made a log-on.