Chapter 5 233
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
This application requires only the remote console password (which may
be different from the opc_op password).
For NetWare SFT III servers, add another XCONSOLE application
which calls the primary IO Engine rather than the MS Engine as in the
default XCONSOLE application.
NOTE The user name for the Xconsole application is xconsole. This is not a
NetWare user name and is only present in the ITO database as a
warning that the password for the remote console access may be
different to the user opc_op’s password.
OS/2 Applications
Table 5-11, “OS/2 Applications,” on page 233 lists and defines the default
applications in the OS/2 Applications window in the ITO
Application Bank.
Table 5-11 OS/2 Applications
Application Command Description
Check Filesystem CHKDSK.EXE OS/2 native command
Repair Filesystem CHKDSK.EXE OS/2 native command
Reboot Node os2boot.exe Reboots the OS/2 system;
requires OS/2 native utility