Chapter 10 463
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
System Maintenance
2. Shutdown the database
3. Set the archive log parameters in the init.ora file:
a. Uncomment the following line to start the archive process:
log_archive_start = true
b. Uncomment the following line to specify the archive directory, and
fill in the corresponding values for <ORACLE_BASE> and
log_archive_dest = <ORACLE_BASE>/<ORACLE_SID>/arch
NOTE For Oracle 8, remember to append a slash (/) to the directory path, for
example: <ORACLE_BASE>/<ORACLE_SID>/arch/. If not, Oracle will
use the wrong archive-log directory name.
c. Uncomment the following line to define the names of the archived
log files:
log_archive_format = “T%TS%S.ARC”
4. Start-up the database and enable archive-log mode. Enter the
following commands as user oracle:
SVRMGR>connect internal
SVRMGR>startup mount
SVRMGR>alter database archivelog;
SVRMGR>alter database open;
5. After enabling archive-log mode, it is recommended you shutdown the
database again and take a full off-line backup of the database as a
foundation for later online backups.
The opcwall Command. The new command line utility
opcwall(1) allows the administrator to notify any running ITO Motif
GUIs of an imminent automated backup. For example, opcwall can be
configured to inform users ten minutes before the backup is scheduled to
start that, if they want to continue to work, they can use the Web GUI for
the duration of the backup.
opcwall {-user <user_name>} <Message Text>