Chapter 5 275
Configuring ITO
Flexible-management Configuration
configfile := [TIMETEMPLATES <timetmpls>]
[CONDSTATUSVARS] <statusvarsdef>]
RESPMGRCONFIGS <respmgrconfigs>
Syntax for the declaration of condition status variables:
statusvarsdef ::= <statusvarsdef> CONDSTATUSVAR <string> <bool> |e
Syntax for the Time Template:
timetmpls ::= <timetmpls> TIMETEMPLATE <string> DESCRIPTION
<string> <timetmpldefs> <conditions> |e
timetmpldefs ::= TIMEZONETYPE <timezonetype> TIMEZONEVALUE
<string>| e
timezonetype ::= Fix | Local
conditions ::= TIMETMPLCONDS <timetmplconds> | e
::= <timetmplconds> TIMETMPLCOND
timetmplcond ::= [TIMECONDTYPE <timecondtype>] [TIME FROM
<time> TO <time>] [WEEKDAY <weekday>]
[DATE <exact_date>] | e
timecondtype ::= Match | Unmatch
time ::= <hh>:<mm>
weekday ::= ON <day> | FROM <day> TO <day>
exact_date ::= ON <date> | FROM <date> TO <date>
day ::= Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday
| Friday | Saturday | Sunday
date ::= <mm>/<dd>/<yyyy> |<mm>/<dd>/*
Syntax for service hours and scheduled outages
respmgrconfigs ::= <respmgrconfigs> RESPMGRCONFIG DESCRIPTION
<string> <respmgrconds> | e
respmgrconds ::= MSGTARGETRULES <msgtargetrules>
msgtargetrules ::= <msgtargetrules> MSGTARGETRULE
DESCRIPTION <string> <msgtargetrule> | e
msgtargetrule ::= MSGTARGETRULECONDS <mtrconditions>
MSGOPERATIONS <msgoperations>
mtrconditions ::= <mtrconditions> MSGTARGETRULECOND
DESCRIPTION <string> <mtrcond> | e
mtrcond ::= <mtrcond> CONDSTATUSVAR <string> |
<mtrcond> SEVERITY <severity> |
<mtrcond> NODE <nodelist> |
<mtrcond> APPLICATION <string> |
<mtrcond> MSGGRP <string> |
<mtrcond> OBJECT <string> |
<mtrcond> MSGTYPE <string> |
<mtrcond> TEXT <string>
<mtrcond> SERVICE <string>
<mtrcond> MSGCONDTYPE <msgcondtype> | e
bool ::= True | False
severity ::= Unknown | Normal | Warning | Critical
| Minor | Major
msgcondtype ::= Match | Unmatch
1. Service hours only
2. Pattern matching only available in <string>