
2-140 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Structure of an Index Page
Figure 2-35
To aid
understanding, this
figure uses last
names and
customer numbers
as index key values
instead of a bytes
part and a rowid.
The Tsonga root-
page entry
represents a single-
byte value and
rowid, indicating
the first entry on a
branch page. The
Smith root-page
entry represents a
byte value, rowid,
and two page
indicating a range
of pages that
contain rowids for
the same byte
value. The last
entry, 1099,
represents the
infinity slot.
256, 385, 786, 646,
611, 577...
Last Name
Customer number
Smith 148, 193, 232, 256, 385, 459,
475, 513, 542, 577, 598, 611,
639, 646, 773. 786,790,821
Tsonga 523
Watson 106
Smith 542, 639, 790,
148, 232, 193...
Tsonga 523
Tsonga 1087
Smith 542 1054 1056
459, 475, 513,
193, 821
Watson 106
Root node index page
Branch node index pages
Address 1054
Address 1087
Address 1099
Address 1056