Installation and Initial Configuration 1-13
Contents of tbconfig.std
Contents of tbconfig.std
The tbconfig.std file contains all OnLine configuration parameters. The
paragraphs that follow name each parameter and provide a brief definition.
The parameters are listed in alphabetic order, not in the order in which they
appear in tbconfig.std. Figure 1-1 displays a copy of the tbconfig.std file.
(If you are unfamiliar with the terms used by Informix to describe units of
disk space, refer to the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial.)
BUFFERS specifies the number of OnLine shared-memory page buffers
available to OnLine user processes. Refer to page 1-34 for information about
setting the value of this parameter.
BUFFSIZE is an unalterable configuration parameter that specifies the page
size for this platform. Changes made to the value shown for BUFFSIZE have
no effect.
CHUNKS specifies a value that approximates the maximum number of
chunks that OnLine can support on this specific hardware platform. The
number of chunks can be system-dependent. Refer to page 1-35 for infor-
mation about setting the value of this parameter.
CKPTINTVL specifies the maximum interval, expressed in seconds, that can
elapse before OnLine checks to determine if a checkpoint is needed. When a
checkpoint occurs, pages in the shared-memory buffer pool disk are synchro-
nized with the corresponding pages on disk. Refer to page 1-37 for
information about setting the value of this parameter.
CLEANERS specifies the number of dedicated page-cleaner daemons to
initialize for this OnLine configuration. Refer to page 1-36 for information
about setting the value of this parameter.
CONSOLE specifies the pathname destination for console messages. The
default value, /dev/console, sends messages to the system console screen.
Refer to page 1-28 for information about setting the value of this parameter.
DBSERVERNAME specifies the unique name of this OnLine database server,
as distinguished from other OnLine database servers that might exist in the
$INFORMIXDIR directory or in a client/server environment. Refer to
page 1-32 for information about setting the value of this parameter.