Operating OnLine 3-83
Monitor OnLine Profile
Monitor OnLine Profile
Monitor the OnLine profile to analyze performance over time. The Profile
screen maintains cumulative statistics. Use the tbstat -z option whenever you
wish to reset all statistics to 0.
From DB-Monitor
From DB-Monitor, select the Status menu, Profile option.
The screen display contains 28 separate statistics, as well as the current
OnLine operating mode, the boot time, and the current time.
The field labels on the
DB-Monitor profile screen are less cryptic and arranged
in a slightly different order than the fields that display if you execute
tbstat -p. However, all DB-Monitor statistics are included in the tbstat -p
output. Refer to page 7-92 for a detailed explanation of every field that
displays with this option.
From the Command Line
From the command line, execute, tbstat -p to display 33 separate statistics on
OnLine activity. The tbstat -p output contains several fields that are not
included in the DB-Monitor display, including ovbuff, which is the number
of times that OnLine exceeded the maximum number of shared-memory
buffers. The ovbuff field is useful in performance tuning. The complete
display is defined on page 7-92.
Execute tbstat -P to obtain the same statistics as are available with tbstat -p,
plus BIGreads, the number of big-buffer reads.
Refer to page 2-55 for further information about the function of big buffers.