
8-12 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Alphabetized Messages
Chunk number nn pathname -- Recovery Failed - can’t fork
The indicated chunk cannot be mirrored or recovered from the other chunk
in the mirrored pair because the process that is needed to perform the
recovery cannot be spawned. The chunk number and chunk device
pathname are displayed. Refer to your operating system documentation for
more information about fork().
Continuing Long Transaction (for COMMIT): tx 0xn
The logical log has filled beyond the long transaction high-water mark
(LTXHWM), but the offending long transaction is in the process of
committing. In this case, the transaction is permitted to continue writing to
the logical log and is not rolled back. The address of the transaction structure
in shared memory is displayed as a hexadecimal value.
Core for nn in directory
The core of the database server process with process ID nn was moved to the
directory indicated. This action is usually taken in response to a consistency-
check failure when either the GCORE or DUMPCORE environment variable is
set. Refer to page 4-10 for more information about GCORE. Refer to page 4-11
for more information about DUMPCORE.
Dbspace dbspacename for Physical Log File not found
OnLine attempted to initialize shared memory but could not create the
physical log file in the named dbspace. OnLine cannot detect that the named
dbspace exists. Check the spelling of the value specified as PHYSDBS.
Dbspace dbspacename now has mirror
You have successfully added mirroring to the indicated dbspace.
Dbspace dbspacename now has no mirror
You have ended mirroring for the indicated dbspace.