Installation and Initial Configuration 1-21
Root Dbspace Configuration Guidelines
Root Dbspace Configuration Guidelines
The root dbspace, like all dbspaces, consists of at least one chunk. You can
add other chunks to the root dbspace after OnLine is initialized. All disk
configuration parameters refer to the first (initial) chunk of the root dbspace.
The root dbspace contains information that is critical for OnLine operation.
Specific control and tracking information needed for OnLine operation is
stored in the root dbspace reserved pages.
At initialization, the root dbspace also contains the physical log and all
OnLine logical log files. After OnLine is initialized, you can move the logs to
other dbspaces to improve performance.
During operation, the root dbspace is the default location for all temporary
tables created implicitly by OnLine to perform requested data management.
The root dbspace is also the default dbspace location for any CREATE
Select a name for the root dbspace for this OnLine configuration. The name
must be unique among all dbspaces and blobspaces. The name cannot exceed
18 characters. Valid characters are restricted to digits, letters, and the under-
score. Informix recommends that you select a name that is easily recognizable
as the root dbspace. The default value of ROOTNAME is rootdbs.