OnLine Message Log 8-9
Alphabetized Messages
Cannot Perform Checkpoint
A recovery process that is attempting to restore a mirror chunk has requested
a checkpoint, but the checkpoint cannot be performed because the tbinit
daemon process has died.
Cannot Read Logical Log
The logical log or the chunk containing the logical log has become corrupted.
OnLine cannot initialize. Perform a data restore from archive.
cannot recreate index -- partnum=0xn, keynum=nn,
iserrno=nn, errno=nn
OnLine detected an error during fast recovery or a data restore. After the
rollforward phase, all indexes that were built (according to the logical log
records) are physically created. However, a failure occurred and this index
was not properly created during the recovery. You should create the index
manually using the SQL statement CREATE INDEX. The index to be created is
described by partnum, which is the hexadecimal value of the tblspace
number that requires the index. Execute the command tbcheck -cI
to obtain the table name and index name. The iserrno is the
number of the ISAM error that is returned. The errno is the number of the
UNIX error that is returned. Use these error numbers for further information
about the cause of the failure.
Cannot Restore to Checkpoint
OnLine is unable to recover the physical log and thus is unable to perform
fast recovery. If OnLine does not come online, perform a data restore from
Cannot Rollback Incomplete Transactions
Within the fast recovery or data restore procedure, the logical log records are
first rolled forward. Then, open transactions that have not committed are
rolled back. It is possible for an open transaction to fail during the rollback,
leaving some of the modifications from the open transaction in place. This
error does not prevent OnLine from moving to quiescent or online mode, but
it might indicate an inconsistent database. Examine the logical log using the
tblog utility to determine if any action is needed.