1-12 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
OnLine Configuration Files
If you modify the configuration file while OnLine is online, you might want
to compare the current configuration values with the new values stored in the
file specified as TBCONFIG.
To obtain a copy of your current, effective OnLine configuration through
DB-Monitor, choose the Status menu, Configuration option. You are asked to
supply a filename for the output file. If you supply a filename (without a
directory location), a copy of the current configuration is stored in
filename.out in the current working directory.
To display a copy of the configuration file, $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$TBCONFIG,
execute the command tbstat -c at the UNIX prompt while OnLine is running.
(If TBCONFIG is not specified, OnLine displays the contents of $INFOR-
/etc/tbconfig by default.)
You can use a UNIX system editor to create other configuration files (apart
from tbconfig.std, tbconfig, and the file specified by TBCONFIG). Each config-
uration file must be located in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory. The
requirement that all configuration files must exist in $INFORMIXDIR/etc
means that you cannot make the directory read-only. If you do, you are
unable to save any parameter changes you make from DB-Monitor during
OnLine operation. The installation procedure creates the $INFORMIXDIR/etc
with read-only permissions for all users except root and user informix.
Do not add parameters to a configuration file that are not included in
tbconfig.std. If you do, the next time you attempt to modify a configuration
parameter or initialize shared memory through DB-Monitor, OnLine detects
that the unknown parameters do not exist in tbconfig.std and rejects them as
invalid. OnLine removes any parameters from the configuration file that do
not exist in tbconfig.std.
Do not remove the tbconfig.std file. If you do, OnLine is unable to create a
new configuration file the first time you attempt to modify a parameter or
initialize shared memory through DB-Monitor.
Informix recommends that you do not alter the contents of the tbconfig.std
file. All supported parameters are contained in tbconfig.std.