Product Environment 9-15
OnLine Administration with IBM Informix STAR
OnLine Administration with IBM Informix STAR
The IBM Informix STAR product enables a user to query and update more
than one database across multiple OnLine database servers within a single
transaction. The OnLine database servers can reside within a single host
machine or on the same network.
The information in this manual describes topics of concern to the adminis-
trator whose database server uses
IBM Informix STAR to share data with other
OnLine database servers.
IBM Informix STAR installation and configuration issues are addressed in the
IBM Informix NET and IBM Informix STAR Installation and Configuration Guide.)
For background information about networks and distributed data, refer to
IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial. For detailed information about the correct
SQL syntax for specifying databases located on other OnLine database
servers, refer to specific SQL statement descriptions in IBM Informix Guide to
SQL: Reference.
Sharing Data by Using IBM Informix STAR
If your OnLine database server is configured with IBM Informix STAR, the
following situations can occur during processing:
■ The current database might reside on another OnLine database
■ A query or update can refer to tables that are located in one or more
databases that reside on other OnLine database servers.