3-8 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
From Offline to Quiescent
From Offline to Quiescent
When OnLine changes from offline to quiescent mode, the tbinit daemon
process reinitializes shared memory.
When OnLine is in quiescent mode, no user can start a database server
If you are user informix, you can take OnLine from offline to quiescent mode
from within
DB-Monitor or from the command line. If you are root, you can
only use the command-line option.
From DB-Monitor
Two options within DB-Monitor take OnLine from offline to quiescent mode.
■ Select the Mode menu, Startup option to take OnLine to quiescent
mode with a minimum of keystrokes.
■ If you prefer, you can review and change shared-memory param-
eters before you initialize shared memory. To do this, select the
Parameters menu, Shared-Memory option.
From the Command Line
Execute tbinit -s from the command line to take OnLine from offline to
quiescent mode.
To verify that OnLine is running, execute tbstat from the command line. The
header on the tbstat output gives the current operating mode.
For further information about the tbinit utility, refer to page 7-45.
From Offline to Online
When you take OnLine from offline to online mode, OnLine reinitializes
shared memory.
When OnLine is in online mode, it is accessible all OnLine user processes.
If you are user informix or root, you can take OnLine from offline to online
mode from the command line.