Operating OnLine 3-71
Monitor Chunks
The second screen display lists the following chunk information for each
■ Chunk ID
■ Chunk pathname and offset
■ Mirror status flags
■ Pages in the chunk
■ Number of used disk pages in the chunk
If a chunk is mirrored, both the primary chunk and the mirror chunk shared
the same chunk ID number.
The chunk status flags are defined as follows:
From the Command Line
From the command line, execute tbstat -d to obtain information that is
similar to the information available from the Dbspaces menu, Info option.
However, where DB-Monitor lists the number of used disk pages, tbstat -d
lists the number of free disk pages and, in the field bpages, the approximate
number of free blobpages. For further information about the bpages field,
refer to page 3-63.
Flag Description
- Chunk belongs to a dbspace.
B Chunk belongs to a blobspace.
D Chunk is down, no reads or writes can occur.
M Mirror chunk.
O Chunk is online.
P Primary chunk.
R Chunk is currently being recovered.
X New mirror chunk that contains logical log files; a level-0 archive is
needed before the mirror can become active.