Product Environment 9-61
Track a Transaction with tbstat Output
Transaction user Field
The transaction user field displays the shared-memory address of the
database user process that currently owns the transaction. You can compare
this address with the list of database user process addresses displayed in the
first section of tbstat -u output. If this field is 0, the transaction has been
orphaned. An orphaned transaction is an incomplete transaction that is
created when its owning database server process is prematurely terminated.
Transaction locks Field
The transaction locks field displays the number of locks owned by the trans-
action, which is in turn owned by the database user process. To determine the
specific locks that are owned, compare the address displayed in the trans-
action user field (previous paragraph) with the address displayed in the
owner field of tbstat -k output.
Important: The tbstat -k output reports the owner of the lock as 0 if the database
server process that owned the transaction is dead.
Transaction log begin
The transaction log begin value is the identification number of the logical
log where this transaction began. This value is tracked to detect long
5 C Coordinator. This transaction is an IBM Informix STAR
5 G Global. If this global transaction is owned by a database server
process, a second transaction should also appear in the table,
owned by the same database server process. The second trans-
action would be the piece of work that is performed by this
OnLine database server.
5 S Participant. This transaction is an IBM Informix STAR
Position Flag Description
(2 of 2)