2 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
description of 2-143
blobspace storage statistics 5-5
effect of Committed Read
isolation 2-46
effect of Dirty Read isolation 2-45
entering blob data 9-7
illustration of blobspace
storage 2-80
illustration of creating a blob in a
blobspace 2-80
modified by creating new
blob 2-146
monitoring in a blobspace 3-63
monitoring in a dbspace 3-65
restoring a blobspace blob 4-25
role of blob descriptor in
modifications 2-146
role of blob timestamps 2-44
scanning or compression, absence
of 9-7
size limitations 2-146
storage on disk 2-145
writing to a blobspace 2-78
Blob descriptor
associated with blob
timestamp 2-44
created during blob storage 2-79
description of 2-123, 2-145
possibility of pointer becoming
obsolete 2-45
structure and function 2-145
allocation and rollbacks 4-25
allocation blocked during
archive 2-159, 4-35
buffers 2-79
components of page header 2-150
copied to backup tape
directly 4-28
description of 2-84
efficient blob storage and
blobpage size 5-5
fullness terminology
explained 5-7
reclaiming space requires logical
log backup 2-158, 4-25
size considerations 3-89
sizing for performance 5-5
storage statistics 5-5
structure 2-149
tbcheck -pB display explained 5-6
written bypassing shared
memory 2-78
adding a chunk 3-94
bit-map page 2-148
blob buffers 2-79
blob storage 2-145
blob timestamps 2-44
blobpage allocation blocked
during archive 2-159
blobpage structure 2-149
changing maximum
number 3-111
creating 3-88
creating during initial
configuration 1-59
description of 2-84
dropping 3-91
efficiency of storage 5-5
ending mirroring 3-105
free-map page
description of 2-148
location in blobspace 2-91
role during blob storage 2-80
role in blobpage logging 2-148,
role in blobspace logging 4-25
tracked by bit-map 2-148
illustration of writing a blob 2-80
logging, description of 4-22
logical log files and blobspace
activity 2-158
monitoring chunk status 3-63
monitoring free space 3-64
page types 2-148
reclaiming space requires logical
log backup 2-158
rollbacks and the logical log 4-24
starting to mirror 3-105
storage efficiency 5-5
structure 2-91
structure of mirror chunk 2-92
switching logical log file after
creating 2-159
writing data to a blobspace 2-78
Boldface type Intro-8
access-level flag bits 7-83
acquiring a buffer 2-60
big buffers 2-56
blobpage buffer 2-79
changing number in the pool 3-92
exclusive mode 2-39
hash table 2-49
lock types 2-38
monitoring activity 3-66
page-type codes 7-83
regular buffers 2-56
share mode 2-38
shared-memory table 2-48
synchronizing buffer
flushing 2-74
tuning for performance 5-13
update mode 2-38
write types during flushing 2-75
Buffer pool
bypassed by blobspace data 2-78
changing number of buffers 3-92
description of 2-55
efficient cleaning affected by
checkpoints 5-18, 5-20
flushing 2-73
LRU queue management 2-58
monitoring 3-68
synchronizing buffer
flushing 2-74
BUFFERS parameter
changing 3-92
description of 1-13
initial configuration value 1-34
tuning for performance 5-13
BUFFSIZE parameter
description of 1-13
BYTE data type
Committed Read isolation 2-46
Dirty Read isolation 2-45
migrating from IBM Informix
OnLine 4-65
migrating from IBM Informix
SE 4-66
requires 4-bit bit map 2-115, 2-144
storage on disk 2-84
B+ tree structure 2-133