
Data Consistency, Recovery, and Migration 4-3
Initiate Data Restore from Offline Mode ...........4-49
Mount Level-0 Archive Tape ...............4-49
Verify Current Configuration ..............4-50
Prompt for Logical Log Backup ..............4-50
Write Each Archive Page to Disk .............4-51
Initialize Shared Memory ................4-51
Roll Forward Logical Logs ...............4-51
OnLine Is Quiescent..................4-52
Database and Table Migration................4-52
Description of Migration Methods .............4-54
UNLOAD/dbschema/LOAD .............4-54
UNLOAD/dbschema/dbload .............4-54
dbexport/dbimport ................4-55
tbunload/tbload .................4-55
Which Migration Method Is Best for You? ..........4-57
Using UNLOAD with LOAD or dbload ...........4-60
Create and Edit the Schema File First ..........4-61
Verify Adequate Disk Space for Data ..........4-61
Move Files....................4-61
Create the New Database or Tables ...........4-61
Use LOAD or dbload to Populate the Tables ........4-62
Using dbexport and dbimport ..............4-62
Using tbunload and tbload ...............4-63
tbunload ....................4-64
tbload .....................4-64
Migrating Data from OnLine to SE.............4-65
Migrating Data from SE to OnLine.............4-66