Product Environment
In This Chapter .................... 9-3
The OnLine Environment ................ 9-3
OnLine Features .................. 9-3
High Performance ................ 9-4
Fault Tolerance and High Availability.......... 9-5
Multimedia Support................ 9-5
Distributed Data Queries .............. 9-6
Features Beyond the Scope of OnLine ........... 9-6
Bad-Sector Mapping................ 9-6
Blob Scanning or Compression ............ 9-7
What Is Multiple Residency? ............... 9-7
How Multiple Residency Works ............. 9-10
How to Set Up Multiple Residency ............ 9-11
Step 1: Create a New Configuration File ......... 9-11
Step 2: Edit the Configuration File for the New OnLine . . . 9-12
Step 3: Set Your TBCONFIG Environment Variable ..... 9-13
Step 4: Complete Tuning OnLine Configuration (Optional) . . 9-14
Step 5: Initialize New OnLine ............ 9-14
Step 6: Ensure That Users Correctly Define Their
TBCONFIG Variables............. 9-14
OnLine Administration with IBM Informix STAR ........ 9-15
Sharing Data by Using IBM Informix STAR ......... 9-15
Updating Multiple OnLine Servers .......... 9-17
Multiserver Modification Concepts .......... 9-18
IBM Informix STAR and Two-Phase Commit Protocol ..... 9-19
Protocol Components ............... 9-20
Example Transaction Commit ............ 9-21
Example Transaction Rollback ............ 9-22