Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 10
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
3 Bluetooth Use-Cases
This chapter provides a description of typical use-cases when using Bluetooth in industrial
3.1 Typical Industrial Bluetooth Use-Cases
There are basically two different use-cases for industrial Bluetooth applications:
• User Interface
In this case, Bluetooth is used to access a system wirelessly in order to control
different parameters and/or to retrieve information. A web server is used to create
the user interface and a standard web browser can be used to access the system.
• Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M)
In this case, Bluetooth is used for communication between different (industrial)
systems. Standard TCP/IP communication is used to transfer information.
Alternatively, Bluetooth is used to create a simple serial cable replacement. The
Bluetooth modules from connectBlue have this feature built-in from start (i.e., the
serial cable replacement). The Bluetooth QuickStart Kit is used to create more
advanced applications based on TCP/IP communication.
A user interface can be viewed as the manual version of the automatic M2M communication.
An operator can basically perform all the operations manually that would otherwise take
place automatically.
The following sections will describe a couple of typical advanced industrial Bluetooth use-
cases, all of which can be built by using the Bluetooth QuickStart Kit. Motor applications are
used to illustrate the industrial function, but can of course be any industrial building
3.2 Remote Access
Remote access of a system has many benefits:
• A more up-to-date view of the system is possible, even though the different parts of
the system may be far apart. Bluetooth support distances up to 100 meters. If a
longer distance is needed, some systems may connect directly to an Ethernet
• General cost reduction since information can be accessed without physical presence
near the system.
Examples of remote access systems are different meter systems, like power meters and water
meters. The information is produced locally (at a remote location) and is more valuable in a
central place. Figure 4 below illustrates the remote access use-case.
Operator Stations
Read Status
Bluetooth or
direct access
Figure 4 – Remote Access Use-Case