
Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 55
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
FAT_ERROR_A_FOLDER – The path points to a folder and not a file
FAT_ERROR_FS_NOT_INITIALIZED – The file system has not been initialized
FAT_ERROR_READ_ONLY – The file system is read-only
B.4.8 fatReadDirEntry
tFatResult fatReadDirEntry( const tFatHandle handle,
tFatDirEntry* pFatDirEntry )
This function opens the next entry in the specified folder. The pDir parameter will be
updated. The pFatDirEntry structure will be filled with information about the new entry.
This function will skip past the "." and ".." directory entries.
[in] handle – A handle to the folder to look in
[in/out] pFatDirEntry – A pointer to a pre-allocated structure
FAT_OK if a new entry was found, otherwise an error code
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
FAT_OK - The function completed successfully.
FAT_ERROR_INV_HAND – The handle is invalid
B.4.9 fatGetEntryIsDir
tFatResult fatGetEntryIsDir( tFatDirEntry* pFatDirEntry,
tBool* pIsDir )
Tests whether the specified entry is a file or folder.
[in] pFatDirEntry – The entry to test
[out] pIsDir – TRUE if the entry is a folder, FALSE if it is a file.
FAT_OK if a entry was valid, otherwise an error code
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
FAT_OK - The function completed successfully.
B.4.10 fatGetEntrySize
tFatResult fatGetEntrySize( tFatDirEntry* pFatDirEntry, tU32*
pSize )
Returns the size of the specified file.
[in] pFatDirEntry – The entry pointing to a file
[out] pSize – The size of the file
FAT_OK if a entry was valid, otherwise an error code