
Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 62
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
B.6.1 uartPppBlock
void uartPppBlock( void )
This function will block PPP from accessing the UART connected to the Bluetooth
module. Before PPP is blocked pppClose will be called.
The default behaviour is to have PPP monitoring the UART, connected to the Bluetooth
module, in order to receive data from the Bluetooth link.
B.6.2 uartPppUnblock
void uartPppUnblock( void )
This function will allow PPP to access the UART connected to the Bluetooth module
again. If uartPppBlock has not been called this function will have no effect.
Note: you have to call pppOpen after this function has been called in order to have
PPP open/connect.
B.6.3 uartReadByte
tBool uartReadByte( tU8* pCh )
Read a byte of data from the UART connected to the Bluetooth module. This function
must not be called before PPP has been blocked out of access to the UART. PPP is
blocked out by calling the uartPppBlock function.
[out] pCh – the read byte is stored here (if there were data to read)
TRUE if there was data to read; otherwise FALSE
B.6.4 uartSendByte
void uartSendByte( tU8 ch )
Write a byte of data to the UART connected to the Bluetooth module. This function must
not be called before PPP has been blocked out of access to the UART. PPP is blocked
out by calling the uartPppBlock function.
[in] ch – the data to send to the UART