
Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 63
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
B.7 Registry API
B.7.1 regErase
void regErase( void )
Erase the entire registry.
B.7.2 regSetValue
tRegResult regSetValue( tU8* pKey, tU8 keyLen, tU8* pValue,
tU16 valueLen )
Set a value in the registry. This function is used when a new value is added to the
registry or when an old value is updated.
[in] pKey – the registry key associated with the value. This must be a unique value.
[in] keyLen – the length of the key in bytes.
[in] pValue – the value to set
[in] valueLen – length of the value in bytes.
REG_RESULT_OK if the value was successfully added (or updated).
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
REG_RESULT_OK - The function completed successfully.
REG_RESULT_KEY_LEN – The length of the key is too large.
REG_RESULT_FULL – The registry is full.
REG_RESULT_VAL_TRUNC – There was not enough space for the complete value.
It has been truncated.
B.7.3 regGetValue
tRegResult regGetValue( tU8* pKey, tU8 keyLen, tU8* pBuf, tU16
bufLen, tU16* pValueLen )
Get a value from the registry.
[in] pKey – the registry key associated with the value.
[in] keyLen – the length of the key in bytes.
[in] pBuf – the value is copied to this buffer
[in] bufLen – length of the buffer in bytes
[out] pValueLen – the actual length of the value is returned in this parameter.
REG_RESULT_OK if the value was successfully retrieved.
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
REG_RESULT_OK - The function completed successfully.
REG_RESULT_NO_KEY – The key did not exist in the registry.