
Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 65
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
B.8 I
B.8.1 i2cCheckStatus
tS8 i2cCheckStatus( void )
Checks the I2C status.
00h Bus error
08h START condition transmitted
10h Repeated START condition transmitted
18h SLA + W transmitted, ACK received
20h SLA + W transmitted, ACK not received
28h Data byte transmitted, ACK received
30h Data byte transmitted, ACK not received
38h Arbitration lost
40h SLA + R transmitted, ACK received
48h SLA + R transmitted, ACK not received
50h Data byte received in master mode, ACK transmitted
58h Data byte received in master mode, ACK not transmitted
60h SLA + W received, ACK transmitted
68h Arbitration lost, SLA + W received, ACK transmitted
70h General call address received, ACK transmitted
78h Arbitration lost, general call addr received, ACK transmitted
80h Data byte received with own SLA, ACK transmitted
88h Data byte received with own SLA, ACK not transmitted
90h Data byte received after general call, ACK transmitted
98h Data byte received after general call, ACK not transmitted
A0h STOP or repeated START condition received in slave mode
A8h SLA + R received, ACK transmitted
B0h Arbitration lost, SLA + R received, ACK transmitted
B8h Data byte transmitted in slave mode, ACK received
C0h Data byte transmitted in slave mode, ACK not received
C8h Last byte transmitted in slave mode, ACK received
F8h No relevant status information, SI=0
FFh Channel error
B.8.2 i2cStart
tS8 i2cStart( void )
Generates a start condition on I2C when bus is free. Master mode will also automatically
be entered.
Note: After a stop condition, you may need a bus free time before you can generate a
new start condition.
I2C_CODE_OK or I2C status code (see i2cCheckStatus)
B.8.3 i2cRepeatStart