Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 71
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
• sample_applet/led.c – this file contains code that controls the LED
• sample_applet/led.h – header file with prototypes and constants needed to
control the LED.
• sample_applet/sample.c – this file contains the server code that interacts
with the applet.
• sample_applet/www/applet.html – this is the HTML file that will be
downloaded from the web server to start the applet.
• sample_applet/www/FlexiGauge.java – This is a Java class that
implements a graphical item that is part of the applet.
• sample_applet/www/myApplet.jar – This is a Java archive that contains
the compiled applet.
• sample_applet/www/myApplet.java – This is the actual applet code.
• sample_applet/www/VTextIcon.java – This is a Java class that
implements a graphical item that is part of the applet.
1. Store the myApplet.jar and applet.html files in the web server directory on
the memory card.
2. Use a web browser to do download the applet.html file from the web browser.
The applet will now be started (given that you have Java runtime environment
installed on your computer).
C.2.2 Bluetooth
This sample application illustrates how to create an application that communicates with the
Bluetooth module. This specific example will request the Bluetooth module to search for
Bluetooth devices.
Any device found will have its address and name printed onto the console.
• sample_bluetooth/sample.c – this file contains the code for the sample
C.2.3 File System
This sample application illustrates how to use the File System API. The application shows
how to create directories, create and write data to files, read data from files and list the
content in a directory.
• sample_filesys/sample.c – this file contains the code for the sample