Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 50
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
Parameters to (*pFreeName):
[in] pName - Memory to release.
Parameters to (*pFreeAddr):
[in] pAddr - Memory to release.
Parameters to (*pAccess):
[in] pName - Name of the variable
[in] pAddr - Address of the variable.
TRUE if the variable could be allocated. The parameters will be de-allocated if
allocation failed and de-allocation routines are defined.
B.3.21 symGet
tBool symGet( tSymTable* pTable, tU8* pName, void* ppAddr,
tSymType* pType )
Get a variable registered in the symbol table.
[in] pTable - The symbol table
[in] pName - Name of the variable to get.
[out] ppAddr - Address of variable data (pointer to pointer).
[in] pType - Type of this variable.
TRUE if the variable could be found. FALSE otherwise.
B.3.22 symRemove
tBool symRemove( tSymTable* pTable, tU8* pSym )
Remove a named symbol
[in] pTable - The symbol table to use.
[in] pSym - The symbol name.
TRUE if the symbol could be removed; otherwise FALSE.
B.3.23 symFirst
tBool symFirst( tSymTable* pTable, tU8** ppSym, void* ppAddr,
tSymType* pType, tSymState* pState )
Get the first symbol in a symbol table.
[in] pTable - The symbol table to use.