
Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 73
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
The functionality can be tested by using, for example, a Telnet client to connect to the
1. In Windows, open a command prompt and type telnet <IP-address>
<port>, where <IP-address> could be, e.g., and <port> could
be, e.g., 2020.
2. Everything written to the telnet client will be sent to the TCP server and
displayed in the console.
sample_tcpserver/sample.c – this file contains the code for the sample
C.2.7 Web Server
This sample application illustrates how to create EGIs and how to use SSIs. The following
EGIs are implemented:
counter.egi – increases a counter and sends the value to the client
formget.egi – outputs the data sent to the EGI from a HTML form through a
GET request.
formpost.egi – outputs the data sent to the EGI from a HTML form through a
POST request.
setled.egi – controls the RGB LED.
listreg.egi – lists all the keys and associated values in the registry
addreg.egi – adds a value to the registry
remreg.egi – removes a key from the registry
dirlist.egi – lists the content of a directory in the file system
Copy all files from the sample_web/www directory to the web server directory on the
memory card and access them through a web browser.
sample_web/led.c – this file contains code that controls the LED
sample_web/led.h – header file with prototypes and constants needed to
control the LED.
sample_web/sample.c – this file contains the code for the sample application.
sample_web/www/filesys.shtml – this file calls the dirlist.egi.
sample_web/www/get.html – this file calls the formget.egi.
sample_web/www/led.html – this file calls the setled.egi.