
Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 35
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
void osSuspend( void )
This function suspends the currently running process. Another process can resume it by a
call to osResume.
B.1.15 osResume
void osResume( tU8 pid )
This function resumes a suspended process. It is valid to do resume on a process that has
not been suspended.
[in] pid - The process to resume.
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
OS_OK - The function completed successfully.
OS_ERROR_PID - The supplied pid is not correct.
B.1.16 osStackUsage
tU8 osStackUsage( tU8 pid )
This function returns the stack usage. The stack usage is based on the maximum size
used so far, i.e. from the application start to the point where this function is called.
[in] pid - The pid of the process to check.
The used fraction of the stack area specified in percent.
B.1.17 osBinSemInit
void osBinSemInit( tBinSem* pSem, tBool free )
This function is used to initialize a binary semaphore and must be called before any
other operations are called on a binary semaphore.
[in] pSem - A pointer to an allocated binary semaphore structure.
[in] free - The initial value of the binary semaphore. A binary semaphore has two
states free or occupied. A free binary semaphore can be taken without blocking the
process. If an occupied semaphore is taken the process has to wait until another
process gives the semaphore.
B.1.18 osBinSemTake
tBool osBinSemTake( tBinSem* pSem, tU32 timeout )
This function takes a binary semaphore. If the binary semaphore is already taken the
function will block until the semaphore is given by another process or the specified
timeout expires.