Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 30
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
A connectBlue’s Serial Port Adapter
The Bluetooth QuickStart Board is designed to work with connectBlue’s Serial Port Adapter
Wizard program – a program that helps you to configure the Bluetooth module for your
specific needs.
Normally the Bluetooth module communicates over a serial channel with the LPC2106
microcontroller. By removing jumper J8, the serial channel of the Bluetooth module is
directly connected to the serial interface of the Bluetooth QuickStart Board. This way, a PC
application (like connectBlue’s Serial Port Adapter Wizard program) can directly
communicate with the Bluetooth module over the serial interface, and without removing the
module from the Bluetooth QuickStart Board.
See Figure 18 on page 25 for a description about where to find jumper J8. As written, this
jumper must be removed (is normally shorted) when connectBlue’s Serial Port Adapter
Wizard program is used. Also observe that the Bootloader switch must be placed in position:
“automatic bootloader not enabled”.
Observe that the Bluetooth QuickStart Kit assumes that the Bluetooth module is configures
with the following parameters:
• 115200 bps, 8N1, no hardware handshake signals
• LAN Access Server
You can change the parameters while using the Serial Port Adapter Wizard, but you must
change the parameters back to above when using the QuickStart library.