
Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 40
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
Parameters to (*pRecv):
[in] pTcb - control block for the connection.
[in] pBuf - pointer to the buffer containing data. A pointer to the actual data can be
retrieved by using the m_buf_get_data function.
[in] len - length of data in bytes.
B.2.7 tcpBufProcessed
void tcpBufProcessed( tTcpTcb* pTcb, tBuf* pBuf )
This function must be called when received data has been processed. If this function is
not called the received buffer will not be de-allocated and the TCP receive window will
never increase (sliding window protocol), i.e. in the end no more data will be sent to the
receiving host.
NOTE: It is assumed that the data is processed in the same order as it is received.
[in] pTcb - control block for an established connection
[in] pBuf - processed buffer
B.2.8 tcpConnect
void tcpConnect( tTcpTcb* pTcb, tU8* pDestIP, tU16 destPort,
void (*pConn)(tTcpTcb* pTcb, tS8 err) )
This function tries to connect to a remote host. A callback function is register with this
call. When the connect attempt succeeds the callback function will be called.
[in] pTcb - an allocated and bound control block.
[in] pDestIP - destination IP address, e.g. {192, 168, 0, 45}.
[in] destPort - destination port number.
[in] pConn - function pointer to the connect callback. This function will be called
when the connect attempt succeeds. Supplied with this call is a control block for the
established connection and an error code.
Parameters to (*pConn):
[in] pTcb - control block for the connection.
[in] err - error code (TCP_OK or TCP_CONN_REFUSED)
B.2.9 tcpSend
tS8 tcpSend( tTcpTcb* pTcb, tU8* pData, tU32 len )
This function sends data through an established connection. A callback function has to
be registered if the application needs to know when the data has been sent and
acknowledged, i.e. when the sent data can be de-allocated. This callback is registered via
a call to tcpRegSentCallb.