Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 17
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
• Keil uVision (DKARM version)
This is another complete development environment, but from Keil. It includes an
editor, project manager, a complete compiler build environment, and a debugger. An
evaluation version can be downloaded from Keils homepage. The DKARM-version
is based on the GCC compiler (currently version 3.3.1 of GCC). It is this version of
the compiler that can be used for application development.
4.2.1 InfraBed
Along with InfraBed, a complete build environment and program download exist for GCC.
The build environment is built around a bash script. This script sets up all necessary paths.
When installing InfraBed you will automatically get shortcuts to this bash script. A practical
feature is that there can be different scripts for different hardware platforms, for controlling
different hardware specific details of the platforms. There can also be many different
compilers (including different versions of the same compiler) without conflicting with each
To build the application program, start a command prompt (the bash script) and type: make.
Depending on the make file content, either an executable program or a library will be
created. To also download the executable program, type: deploy instead of make. A
description about program downloading can be found in Section 4.3 .
A final note about the make file; make clean will erase all object file.
4.2.2 IAR Embedded Workbench
Consult the IAR Embedded Workbench documentation (after installation) for details about
how to get started.
4.2.3 Keil uVision
Consult the Keil uVision documentation (after installation) for details about how to get
4.3 Program Download
When the application program has been written, compiled, and linked with the platform it is
time to download the program into the Bluetooth QuickStart Board. It is assumed that there
exists a HEX-file that represents the binary image of the complete program.
There are basically two ways of downloading a program into the LPC2106 microcontroller:
• ISP – In-System Programming
The LPC2106 microcontroller provides on-chip bootloader software that allows
programming of the internal flash memory over the serial channel. The bootloader is
activated by pulling port pin P0.14 low during reset of the microcontroller. The
Bluetooth QuickStart Board contains circuits for automatically controlling pin P0.14
and the reset signal over the RS232 channel. This allows the program download to
be fully automated.
o Philips provides a utility program for In-System Flash (ISP) programming
called LPC2000 Flash Utility.
o Alternatively, there is a program called LPC21ISP that can be used. Source
code is available. This program also provides a terminal functionality, which
can be very helpful when developing your application program. The same
serial channel that is used to download the program is typically also used for
printing out information from the running program. The program
immediately switch to terminal mode after program download and will
hence not miss any characters sent on the serial channel directly after
program start.