Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 33
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
B.1.7 osPid
tU8 osPid( void )
This function returns the process identification descriptor for the running process.
The process identification descriptor of the currently running process.
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
OS_OK - The function completed successfully.
OS_ERROR_ISR - The function was called from an interrupt
service routine.
B.1.8 osISREnter
void osISREnter( void )
This function is used to notify the operating system that the application has entered an
interrupt service routine (ISR). This is important if the ISR is using services from the
operating system, since some services need to know if they are executed from an ISR or
not. The function osISRExit should be used before the ISR returns to notify the
operating system about the ISR exit.
B.1.9 osISRExit
void osISRExit( void )
This function is used to notify the operating system that the currently serviced interrupt
is about to exit. The function is always used in conjunction with the function
osISREnter, which should always be called before osISRExit. It is important to notify
the OS about ISRs (Interrupt Service Routines) if they are using services from the
operating system (since some services need to know if they are executed from an ISR or
B.1.10 osDeleteProcess
void osDeleteProcess( void )
This function deletes the currently running process. The process control block used by
the process will be freed and is therefore available for new processes.
B.1.11 osCreateProcess
void osCreateProcess( void (*pProc)(void), tU8* pStk, tU16
stkSize, tU8* pPid, tU8 prio )
This function creates a new process. The process is not automatically started. To start the
process the osStartProcess function must be called. A new process can only be created if
there is a free process control block available. The number of process control blocks is
specified during operating system configuration (maximum number of processes).