Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 34
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
[in] pProc - The process entry function.
[in] pStk - A pointer to the stack area to use. The stack area must be allocated before
the process is created.
[in] stkSize - The size of the stack area in bytes.
[out] pPid - The returned process identification descriptor (pid).
[in] prio - The priority of the process. The priority is a number between 0 and
NUM_PRIO-1, where NUM_PRIO is specified during operating system
configuration (maximum number of priorities). 0 is the highest priority level and
NUM_PRIO-1 is the lowest priority level. The operating system will always run the
process that has the highest priority and is ready to run, i.e. is not sleeping,
suspended or waiting for synchronization primitive. If several processes are run on
the same priority level they are scheduled in a round-robin fashion.
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
OS_OK - The function completed successfully.
OS_ERROR_PRIO - The supplied priority is not correct.
OS_ERROR_ALLOCATE - The process could not be created since there is no free
process control blocks available. The number of process control blocks is specified
during operating system configuration (maximum number of processes).
B.1.12 osStartProcess
void osStartProcess( tU8 pid )
This function is used to start a process. The process must previously have been created
by a call to osCreateProcess.
[in] pid - The process identification descriptor (pid) of the process to start. The pid is
returned by osCreateProcess.
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
OS_OK - The function completed successfully.
OS_ERROR_PID - The supplied pid is not correct.
B.1.13 osGetOverrunCounter
tU32 osGetOverrunCounter( tBool reset )
This function is applicable to cyclic processes. A cyclic process is said to overrun if it
runs longer than the specified cycle-time. A process that overruns is restarted as soon as
it returns. This function should only be called from a cyclic process.
[in] reset - If TRUE the overrun counter is reset after the read out, else it keeps its
old value.
The number of times the process has overrun.
B.1.14 osSuspend