Chapter 22 Multicast
GS2200-48 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 56 Advanced Application > Multicast > Multicast Setting
IGMP Snooping Use these settings to configure IGMP Snooping.
Active Select Active to enable IGMP Snooping to forward group multicast
traffic only to ports that are members of that group.
Host Timeout Specify the time (from 1 to 16 711 450) in seconds that elapses before
the Switch removes an IGMP group membership entry if it does not
receive report messages from the port.
Leave Timeout Enter an IGMP leave timeout value (from 1 to 16 711 450) in seconds.
This defines how many seconds the Switch waits for an IGMP report
before removing an IGMP snooping membership entry when an IGMP
leave message is received from a host.
802.1p Priority Select a priority level (0-7) to which the Switch changes the priority in
outgoing IGMP control packets. Otherwise, select No-Change to not
replace the priority.
IGMP Filtering Select Active to enable IGMP filtering to control which IGMP groups a
subscriber on a port can join.
Note: If you enable IGMP filtering, you must create and assign
IGMP filtering profiles for the ports that you want to allow to
join multicast groups.
Multicast Frame
Specify the action to perform when the Switch receives an unknown
multicast frame. Select Drop to discard the frame(s). Select Flooding
to send the frame(s) to all ports.
Multicast Group
Multicast addresses ( to are reserved for the
local scope. For examples, is for all hosts in this subnet, is for all multicast routers in this subnet, etc. A router will not
forward a packet with the destination IP address within this range. See
the IANA website for more information.
Specify the action to perform when the Switch receives a frame with a
reserved multicast address. Select Drop to discard the frame(s). Select
Flooding to send the frame(s) to all ports.
Port This field displays the port number.
* Settings in this row apply to all ports.
Use this row only if you want to make some settings the same for all
ports. Use this row first to set the common settings and then make
adjustments on a port-by-port basis.
Note: Changes in this row are copied to all the ports as soon as
you make them.
Immed. Leave Select this option to set the Switch to remove this port from the
multicast tree when an IGMP version 2 leave message is received on
this port.
Select this option if there is only one host connected to this port.
Group Limited Select this option to limit the number of multicast groups this port is
allowed to join.