Power Quality Analyzer Model 3945-B
ON / OFF button.
Three (3)current inputson thetop ofthe instrumentto enablethe useof
AC Line power input.
Enter button.
tion of data.
Transients (set recording or view recorded transient):
• displays waveforms associated with rapid changes in input
Harmonics View:
• display of the harmonics in percent and value ratios for of voltage,
current and power, for each harmonic through the 50
• determination of harmonic current produced by non-linear loads
• analysis of the problems caused by harmonics according to their
Waveforms View:
• displays voltage and current waveforms or vector representation
• identicationofsignaldistortionsignatures
display of amplitude and phase unbalance for voltage and current
• checking connections for correct phase order
Power / Energy (view or start energy monitoring):
• display of power levels and the associated parameters
• energy monitoring
• four quadrant measurement to discern produced/consumed ac-
tive energies and inductive/capacitive reactive energies
Recording (set recording or view recorded data):
• time-related representation as bar charts or line graphs, of aver-
age power levels or of the average value of any parameter
• Linegraphsofeachselectedparameter(upto22)vstime
• line voltage stability check
• management of power consumed and generated
• monitoring of harmonic variations