Power Quality Analyzer Model 3945-B
Documents - Shows a list of instrument related documents that you can
view. Adobe
Reader is required for viewing PDF documents supplied
with DataView
Select the DataView, Version 2.xx.xxxx option from the list, then click on
The Installation Wizard window will appear. Click Next.
5. In the Customer Information window, enter a Name and Company, then
click Next.
In the Setup Type window that appears, select the “Complete” radio button
option, then click Next.
7. The Select Features window appears allowing features for all instruments
compatible with DataView
to be selected or not selected to install. Select the
other instruments later, if necessary.
NOTE: The PDF-XChange option must be selected to be able to generate PDF
reports from within DataView
Figure 6-2
8. In the Ready to Install the Program window, click on Install.
9. Iftheinstrumentselectedforinstallation(seeFigure6-2)requirestheuseofa
USB port, awarningboxwillappear,similartoFigure6-3.ClickOK.
If the USB drivers are not needed, Setup will continue at step 12.