The Client Classes tabConfiguring 8950 AAA Client Properties
Issue 1, December 2008
TAOS Port Normalization Specifies how to get the real NAS port number out of
the NAS port info. This should only be used if your
NASs are running TAOS.
Character Set for Encoding Specifies the character set to use to encode string
attributes in requests.
Authentication Timeout Specifies the time, in milliseconds, the Policy server
will wait before it discards authentication requests.
This overrides the Client Timeout value for
authentications only.
Accounting Timeout Specifies the time, in milliseconds, the Policy server
will wait before it discards accounting requests. This
overrides the Client Timeout value for accounting
requests only.
Response Cache Timeout Enabled Yes or No option. If enabled, the Policy server
caches responses for the time specified in the
corresponding timeout property. If not enabled,
responses are not cached.
Response Cache Timeout When responding to RADIUS requests, the Policy
server can remember (cache) the responses. If the
response is sent, but lost and the NAS resends the
same request, the Policy Server can respond with the
cached response and not have to process the request
again. This property sets how long the Policy Server
keeps cached entries before discarding them.
Check Authenticators If enabled, the Policy server checks the request
authenticator and if not verified, the request is
Check Duplicates Yes or No option. If enabled, the server checks to see
if the request received is a duplicate of a previously
received request. Duplicates are detected by a
combination of the Source IP, Source Port, and
Packet Authenticator. The default setting is true.
This property can be set on a pre-client basis in the
Client Properties.
Diameter Specific Properties
Figure 5-14 The Client Class Properties–Properties tab information
Field Name Description