Attributes Tab8950 AAA Dictionary Editor
Issue 1, December 2008
1. The Insert a record action button displays the Attribute Properties dialog, as shown in
Figure 20-7. This dialog allows you to add attribute information to the dictionary.
Figure 20-7 Dictionary Editor Panel–Attribute properties dialog
The Attribute Properties dialog has a set of tabs namely, Attribute, Values, Overrides,
Aliases, and Subattributes.
The Attribute tab is the default tab.
Table 20-2 explains the attributes of the Attribute panel
Table 20-3 Dictionary Editor–Attributes of Attributes tab
Attributes Description
Name Name of the Attribute to be created.
Type Type of the Attribute.
Code The Attribute code.
Vendor Name Name of the Vendor.
Codec The code encode and decoder.
Hidden If set true, the attribute value is not displayed in the
Server Log file or Accounting Log file.
Internal Attributes whose code is greater than 255. Used
internally within radius sever and is not be sent to NAS